Adult Programs

Welcome to

Adult Programing

Find everything you need to run a successful Adult Coaching Program right here. Start by completing the three overview courses below before diving into the Specific Activation Programs and their resources!

The Mission

To grow, retain and activate our membership through a pathway that will drive social connections, improvement in their game and enjoyment at the club. Our coaches will be provided with the tools and education to offer a great experience for all adult members that will engage and empower them to enjoy their golf and life at the club. All our programming is aligned to improving attrition, activating more members and providing a clear pathway to becoming an active golf club member.

Choose your Program

Subscription based program across five scoring goals ideal to drive improvement and social connections.
Training and resources for the Game On Golf Experience Day and innovative 3-step program ideal for new golfers!
Training and resources for the Golf School events across a range of skills topics!